
The faulty device

12 replies to “The faulty device”

  1. Sheela

    Much yes in this strip. :D

    • Inkdolls

      Yep 😁

  2. Wow that must be a STRONG little motor. even a vacuum cleaner only disrupts a little..

    • edcentric

      Not the motor, but the remote causing interference.
      This is actually not uncommon with remote control devices that are not built to standards.

      • Inkdolls

        Interesting. Thanks for the input. 😃

    • Inkdolls

      It's absurdly strong.

  3. Jamie59

    Now's the time to ask Sabina for anything sense she can't say no.

    • Inkdolls

      Poor Sabina.

  4. Weiser

    This egg should be placed on the roof, not inside of Sabina.

    • Inkdolls

      She's a walking hazzard.

  5. plymayer

    Home made electronic counter measures, splendid!

    • Inkdolls

      That device is quite defective. 😁