On the previous page, Sabina seemed kind of dumb... Oh well.
I posted yet another new comic, this time on Comic Fury and Hentai Foundry. I figured I wanted to do something that doesn't require such involved character development and world building as a long comic.
Due to the very low traffic, the damsels will have a respite for now. At a later time I intend to at least post the pages I've already have made, so the fifth damsel, the pirate, has her moment.
VERY rewarding.
Her house is full of nice surprises.
Low traffic?
Strange: The Damsels comic is one of my favorite ones, and I thought having a completely average taste - so theoretically there should be billions of viewers of this site ... (?!)
Regarding Pearl, she seems to be a quite complentative and solitary fellow considering that she is permanently horny.
Thanks for the wishful sentiment 😊! Some day...
Maybe Pearl lied a little and she can enjoy a book like anyone else.
New muse for him to paint.
I'm sure he'll feel inspired.
Low traffic? aw. I follow all three of your comics equally.. and all in a row.
And I appreciate that.