
The pact

Will this be the end of it?

Are Julian and Ludo on the path to becoming better men?

Stay tuned!

18 replies to “The pact”

  1. Sheela

    Well, it's good to see them make an attempt to live with their weaknesses instead of blame bad things on them. I'd say it's time they finally learned to grow up a bit. :)

    • Inky

      A bit is a lot for these guys.

      • Sheela

        But offcourse - They are after all breaking personal barriers ... that always seems like a big thing to the person who does it.

        Even if it seems really simple to others.

  2. Memo Juez

    Ludo gave up his vanity and Julian gave up his suicidal crutch. Something is a foot...

    • Inky

      And I am not completely sure what...

      • Memo Juez

        I love it when a story is allowed to flow and tell itself...

  3. Oh my...Poor girls, those two are definitly creepy!

    • Inky

      For some reason characters are turning out creepy.

  4. Daniel

    wow i did not saw that coming...
    my mind is blowned
    so what now they wont go after mar and saby?
    this comic gets beter everi time you update thank you inky!!!!

    • Inky


      Mar and Sabina just might see more of them.

      • Daniel

        cool I can´t wait!!!!
        and I mean it your comic just keep's geting beter and beter

  5. Lunaroki

    Awesome comic you've got here! Just found it today through an ad on another webcomic (can't remember right off which one) and stopped by to see what it was all about. (The word "sex" in the ad sure didn't hurt in making me curious. ;) ) Gotta say I'm loving this comic! The sexy antics of the girls are fun and exciting, and the story is always entertaining. I'm definitely adding this to my regular comic rotation. :)

    • Inky

      Well, thanks and welcome!

  6. chumash99

    At least he threw away the gun instead of shooting someone with it. :) But this webcomic wouldn't go that far, right? RIGHT? Oh, crap...

    • Inky

      Oh you'll eventually find out how far it can go.

  7. Steve

    Wow, was that toupeé made of gun cotton?!? :D

    But good for the suicidal artistic type. :)

    • Inky

      Hehe, I admit I didn't observe wigs burn for the sake of realism, but let's pretend that for a split second it could look like that.

      • Steve

        No worries. I can get caught up with time in comic strips, and forget that one panel might be half a minute or more.

        So yes, at one point during its burn, a toupeé might well look like that! ;)